Our families very first
wheatens, Carly & Hanna
Visit the Lagotto  page to
learn more about our
second breed
Lagotto Romagnlo
K9 Excel Dog Supplies
Why do I breed wheatens and lagottos?
I grew up on a farm where my mother raised shelties  
She raised shelties for over 50 years and was a life
member of the CKC.  As a junior handler competing
at dog shows I knew my life would always involve
dogs, and showing them, it is a hobby that I truly love
and enjoy.  .
What was the attraction to the wheaten
Initially I was attracted to wheatens after watching
a wheaten compete in an obedience trial.  Upon
researching the breed more closely, I fell in love
with the whimsical clown like personality of the
wheaten terrier.  The coat I saw as a challenge, as
I would need to learn to groom!  The non-shedding
factor was welcome news to my husband.  He
also loved the personality of the wheaten terrier.
What the Wheaten Terrier has given back?
Years of love!  The wheaten greeting cannot be
competed with, .....what a warm welcome home!
I have met so many wonderful people, both in
wheaten breeders that I socialize with, and the many
wonderful homes that my puppies have been
placed in.
Wheatnbrook Kennels
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